We run a drop-in centre called A Place to be Yourself (APTBY). APTBY is staffed by local LGBTIQ+ identifying individuals who offer peer support to our visitors. APTBY is a safe space where individuals can come to chill, learn more about gender and sexuality, meet others from the community, access information relevant to their lives and take part in a variety of fun and educational events. Some of the regular onsite events APTBY holds include colouring-in days (with LGBTIQ+ themed colouring sheets), game days (boardgames and video games), youth discussion groups, movie nights, make-up days and karaoke days.

We offer free private and confidential counselling to our local LGBTIQ+ community. The counsellors we use are Khmer and also LGBTIQ+ identifying. They have studied Professional Health Counselling at a Phnom Penh-based university. Sessions are completely client-led, but some common themes that often arise include self-acceptance, self-confidence, relationships issues (including family, partner and social relationships), depression, anxiety, stress management, grief, loneliness, discrimination, bullying, self-control and childhood trauma.